Some studio tips:

1. Don't walk on the cables and be careful of hot lights.

2. Don't move a live camera or switch to a moving camera.

3. Use camera 1 for the closeups and camera 2 for the wide shots.

4. Usually you will shoot the person talking.

5. The format for a live program is tape/live/tape and so on. Begin and end your program with tape.

6. The tape player is responsible for tapes. Make sure they are timed and cued to start. Let the floor manager know when the taped segment is almost over.

7. The floor manager is responsible for the flow of the program and keeping order on the set. Let the talent know when they will soon be live.

8. The talent should announce the tape so the tape player can have it ready. Talent should be prepared to chat if there is a cuing problem. Assume you are live until you see the tape play on-air.

9. Don't switch to the tape until the segment is playing. In other words, switcher should hold the live shot until you see the tape rolling.

10. Fade up audio. Monitor the sound with a headset plugged in the digital recorder. Watch the levels on the mixer. Monitor the taped segments on the Cable Television. Turn the Cable Television down for the live segments to avoid feedback.

11. Pan the studio and feature the crew during each broadcast.

Pan the camera left.

Pan the camera right.

Tilt the camera down.

Tilt the camera up.